“To The Infinite Universe (I Confess And Release)” - A Michio Kushi Affirmation

”To The Infinite Universe” is an affirmation by Michio Kushi that was filmed in 1986 during the Kushi Institute’s “Spiritual Development Seminar” in Becket, MA

This affirmation, “To The Infinite Universe” is for us to, first, unashamedly and openly acknowledge and confess our own deeply personal shortcomings including our selfishness, greed, arrogance, lying, pride, confusion and attachments. Second, it is to openly forgive and release ourselves from these selfish and arrogant ways that we have committed. The ultimate goal is for us to take full responsibility for all of our selfish and arrogant ways and strive to never allow them to occur and cause harm to others again. This affirmation can serve as a practice to directly apologize to any and all whom may have been harmed by us, regardless of whether they or we know it or not, and including those whom have already passed away. Repeat as often as needed.

To The infinite Universe.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I am selfish.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I am arrogant.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I am greedy.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I feel hatred.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I feel hated.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I am a liar.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I feel confused.

To the infinite universe, I confess that I am attached and too proud.

Let's release.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my selfishness.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my arrogance.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my greed.

To the infinite universe, I dissolve my hatred.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my fear.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my lying.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my confusion.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve my attachment and pride.

To the infinite universe, I release and dissolve all of them now and forever.

- Michio Kushi

The Teachings Of Michio And Aveline Kushi
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